Vince Carter, a former NBA player, has nearly $100,000 stolen from his home

Published June 23, 2022 at 8:54

According to an Atlanta Police incident report made public on Wednesday, a weekend burglary at the Atlanta home of former NBA player Vince Carter resulted in the theft of $100,000 in cash.

Two guns and more than $16,000 were discovered later on close to Carter's house.

According to the report, Carter told police the recovered cash was a small portion of the $100,000 in cash he kept in a bag in a closet.

Although a suspect has not been named publicly by police, the incident report stated that a suspect's fingerprint was taken at the scene.

It's very weird that Vince Carter has a bag of money of over $100 000 in his closet don't you think?

June 23   |   63 answers
Vince Carter, a former NBA player, has nearly $100,000 stolen from his home

Is it weird that Carter has 100 000$ in his closet at home?

Yes2539.7 %
No3860.3 %